is a sports blog written by Jordan Long. Jordan has a BA in Mass Communications from Colorado Mesa University. He enjoys watching and analyzing all sports. Join him Monday through Friday for insight and information on the hottest sports topics.
Hey, I see you advertising your site all the time at and you get trolled ruthlessly. I’m a self-promoting writer myself and just wanted to drop by and say cheers to you for keeping this going in spite of all that. That takes guts and perseverance!
Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it.
Hey mate cool website just got exposed to it today from down in sunny Australia. I like the differing articles and insigh. Let me know if we can support you more from the outside. Cheers
I just saw your blog posts on Facebook and decided to give you a follow . That’s ashame that idiots are trolling you on . Some folks are idiots and haters but keep on blogging anyway. Like that you have a sports blog.
I just have found your site and I glad I did. Impressive my man.